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Schedule a Punchmark Digital Marketing Consultation

Meet with a Punchmark digital marketing specialist to learn how to scale your business using the latest strategies and tactics.

During your free 30 minute consultation, our Digital Marketing Specialists will typically cover:

• Your goals for your website, ecommerce, and general business growth
• What may be lacking in your digital marketing funnel to attract customers
• Your overall marketing and advertising strategy, from PPC and SEO to Email and Video
• Punchmark's digital marketing solutions and how they help retail jewelry stores drive traffic
• Questions you may have about digital marketing in general

Interested in a full Digital Marketing & Ecommerce Audit?
Punchmark's Digital Marketing & Ecommerce Audit provides an in-depth look at your website's analytics, user experience, search engine optimization, Google Ads and Social Ads strategy, and more. Price starts at $2,500 and takes 4-6 weeks.

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